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Mendelssohn Octet



August 8th, 2020 - 20:30
SÓLLER: Sant Bartomeu Church
7è Festival Nits Clàssiques de la Tramuntana

Ensemble Tramuntana

Felix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847)

Symphony for strings nº10 in B minor, MWV N 10

Violin Concerto in D minor, MWV O 3

String Octet in E flat major, Op.20

Barry Sargent (violin, soloist and conductor)
Mayumi Sargent (violin)
Margalida Gual (violin)
Marta Jiménez (violin)
Eura Fortuny (viola)
Adrià Gorrias (viola)
Marc Alomar (cello)
Paula Martos (cello)
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Barry Sargent

Born in Cincinnati (USA), where he begins his musical studies with Sigmund Effron. At the age of 15 he performs as soloist with the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and the following year with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. He continues his studies with Andor Toth at the Oberlin Conservatory where he graduates with "High Honors". Later he moves his residency to Paris to broaden his violinistic knowledge with the leadership of Gerard Poulet. In this same city he comes in contact with the cellist Christophe Coin, who invites him to play with the Ensemble Mosaïque, encouraging him to investigate and interpret with historic instruments. He studies baroque violin with Monica Huggett. 

Since then he has been concertmaster of prestigious baroque ensembles; in France with Les Arts Florissants, Les Talents Liriques, Seminario Musicale, in Holand with the Bach Vereinigen, in Italy with Promo Musica, in Germany with Kölner Academie and concertmaster-conductor of Concerto Köln. He has collaborated as well with Frans Brüggen, Ton Koopman, Jordi Savall, Christopher Hogwood and Nikolaus Harnoncourt. 

In Spain, where he resides, he has been first violin of Al Ayre Español, invited concertmaster of Gran Teatre de Liceu in Barcelona, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra, Extremadura Orchestra, Euskadi Symphony Orchestra, Navarra Symphony Orchestra, Canary Islands Philharmonic Orchestra. His work as a conductor has been extens in Spain.  He has been founder and director of three orchestras: Seville Barroque Orchestra, Camerata Sa Nostra and Mallorca Baroque Orchestra. He has conducted the Canary Islands Philharmonic Orchestra, Granollers Orchestra, Menorca Island Orchestra, City of Granada Orchestra, Terrassa 48 Chamber Orchestra, the Jove de Catalunya and the Jove Barroca of Andalucia. Presently he's the conductor of Ensemble Tramuntana



Mayumi Sargent

Born in Mallorca, she studied violin with Ramón Andreu and Barry Sargent, besides attending David Peralta’s summer course in 2007. She continued her studies at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Cologne, Germany) with a Bachelor on the modern violin under Ariadne Daskalakis's tutelage while receiving baroque violin lessons from Richard Gwilt. She graduated with a “Cum Laude” from the Master’s Instrument in Historic Perspective at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam (Netherlands), where she studied baroque violin with Antoinette Lohmann and modern violin with Johannes Leertouwer.

She’s been invited to play in youth orchestras around Spain, such as Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya, Jove Orquestra Simfònica de Castelló, Jove Orquestra Barroca de Mallorca and Jove Orquestra de Cambra Illa de Menorca.

As a young professional, she’s performed in Germany with the Kölner Kammerorchester, Neuen Rheinischen Kammerorchester Köln, Kölner Akademie, Orchester Düsseldorfer Altstadtherbst and for the contemporary composers collective Zeitklang, besides being a member of the EOS Kammerorchester; specialized in

contemporary music, they work with known Jazz musicians, such as Niels Klein and Ingrid Laubrock, recording new CD’s with music written exclusively for the ensemble. In the Netherlands, she regularly plays with the Nieuwe Philharmonie Utrecht (both with original and modern instruments, besides innovating projects, such as historically informed performances of Brahms symphonies) and is a member of the Spanish baroque music group La Pícara. She’s also had the privilege to work as concertmaster under the baton of Jos Van Veldhoven and Peter Van Heyghen, as well as principal second for the Nederlandse Bachvereniging with Shunske Sato as concertmaster-conductor. In Spain she has played with Orquestra de Cambra Illa de Menorca, and besides helping to organize 3 music festivals in Mallorca, she’s the concertmaster of Ensemble Tramuntana.

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Margalida Gual

She studies at the Superior Conservatory of the Balearic Islands in Palma de Mallorca. She continues her formation in Barcelona and Trossingen (Germany), where she obtains a Master in Early Music with Anton Steck. At the same time she partakes in diferent violin courses (modern and baroque) and chamber music all around Spain and Europe. She has colaborated with symphony orchestras and chamber ones such as the OSB (Orq. Simf. de les Illes Balears), Orquestra de Cambra del Maresme, Orquestra de Cambra de Granollers and OSV (Orq. Simf. del Vallès), among others. She has colaborated withd iferent ensembles of early music such as Les Ambassadeurs (France); Ensemble Mvsiche Varie, Il Bacio d’amor, Young European Baroque Orchestra (Germany); Spira Mirabilis (Italy), Geldart Ensemble, Albion Baroque Orchestra (London); Al Ayre Español, Studium Aureum (Spain). She was member of the EUBO 2010 (European Union Baroque Orchestra) and was invited to the EUBO 2014 (as soloist). She's a member of the Teatre Instrumental, the Acadèmia de les Llums, the Ensemble Barroc de Mallorca and the Orquestra de Cambra Illa de Menorca, as well of the Ensemble Tramuntana.

She has edited sonatas for violin and b.c. by Mvsiche Varie. She has updated them for

electric violin. Margalida Gual has participated in recordings for labels such as EMI Virgin, Estonian Record Productions and Columna Música. 

At the present she's a professor in violin and music and movement at the Municipal School of Music and Dance in Ciutadella, a task she combines with collaborations with diferent groups and ensembles all around Europe.

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Marta Jiménez

She finished her superior classical violin studies at the Conservatory for Music and Dance of the Balearic Islands in 2009. She participated in courses with Vartan Manoogian, Juan Santiago, Agustin Leon Ara and Barry Sargent. In 2014 she finished the superior studies in baroque violin at the Koninklijk Conservatorium at the Hague, where she studied with Kati Debretzeni and Walter Reiter, also taking lessons with Catherine Mackintosh and Ryo Terakado. In 2017 she obtained her masters in baroque violin and viola at the Utrecht Conservatory with Antoinette Lohmann.

In 2015 she won an audition to become part of the Orchestra dell’Academia Montis Regalis. In 2015-2016 she partook in the academy of ensemble Holland Baroque and since then has become a regular member of the formation. Her last project with them has been a tour in China after the reliese of their last CD Silk Baroque. She's a regular member of the Baroque Orchestra of The Netherlands with which she plays more than 60 concerts a year in the dutch territory. She has worked with different early music groups Os Orphicum, Arcade Ensemble, Concerto Barroco, Orchestra dell’Academia Montis Regalis, Heptachordum, The orchestra The Eroica Project; Utrecht collective, Haags Vocal Ensemble, Arx Ardens, BaroqueAros, Musica Poetica, with conductors and coaches such as Peter van Heyghen, Jacques Ogg, Patrick Ayrton, Olivia Centurioni, Ophélie Gaillard, Milos Valent, Hidemi Suzuki, Lars Ulrich Mortensen, Enrico Gatti, Alessandro di Marchi or Isaac Alonso de Molina.

She's a member and co-founder of the ensembles Die Koloristen, Chiavette Consort and Opposti Ensemble. With them she's played in Portugal and Holland, and has participated at the Utrecht Festival and the Povoa do Varzim Festival.

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Eura Fortuny

She studies profesional education for viola and piano at the Professional Conservatory of Menorca. She obtains the Superior Title for viola at the ESMUC with Ashan Pillai and the master of interpretation of the same instrument at the university Mozarteum in Salzburg with Thomas Riebl. Since the superior studies, she has partaken in several historic viola courses with Emilio Moreno and Hiro Kurosaki. She won several competitions as soloist (Concurs Corda de Barcelona, autonomous phase of the competition Intercentros Melómano) and in chamber music (“I Concurs de Música de Cambra Illa de Menorca" as well as an Honorable Mention at the Eighth Competition of Chamber Music “Higini Anglès” of the Diputació de Tarragona). She collaborates regularly with the Orquestra de Cambra del Penedès, the GIOrquestra and Ensemble Tramuntana among others. She's a member of the Meraki Ensemble.

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Adrià Gorrias

Born in Ciutadella in Menorca in 1990, he starts his violin studies at the age of four year old with Esther Pons. Further down the road he starts with the viola with Andreu Cardona, combining both instruments. He studies the superior grade in the viola specialty at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu in Barcelona with Ashan Pillai, where he graduates in 2013. Between 2013 and 2015 he studies a Masters in viola interpretation at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln (Germany) with Prof. Matthias Buchholz.

Combining his formation with the participation in several orquestras. He has been a member, among others, of the JONC (Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya), JONDE (Joven Orquesta Nacional de España), NJO (Nationaal Jeugd Orkest Holland) and is a member in reserve of the GMJO (Gustav Mahler Jungerorchester), performing concerts in diferent auditoriums all around Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Italy and Portugal, with renown conductors such as Ariel Zuckermann, Karl Anton Rickenbacher, Manel Valdivieso, Salvador Brotons, among others. He's been an academist at the Sinfonieorchester Aachen (Germany) during the 2015/16 season and is presently a member of the Orquestra de Cambra Illa de Menorca.

He participates in several music summer courses, for the violin and for viola, in Barcelona, Cervera, Malaga and Enghien (Belgium). He's received master classes from Donald McInnes and Emil Cantor, in the specialty of viola and chamber music. He's also participated in music festivals such as “Músics en Residència” in Alella the summer of 2013 and DeltaChamber Music festival the summer of 2016.

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Marc Alomar 

He has recieved a degree by the Conservatorio Superior de las Islas Baleares, where he obtained the Extraordinary Prize End of Degree. His interest for baroque music takes him to the Conservatory of Toulouse, where he begins historic interpretation with Tormod Dalen and Mathurin Matharel and graduates in 2017. Presently he's a masters student at the Haute École de Musique in Geneva, with professor Bruno Cocset.

His ofrmation in historic interpretation has extended with master classes with Christophe Coin, Phoebe Carrai, Stefano Veggetti, and Marco Testori. He has performed in early music festivals in Innsbruck with the Academia Montis Regalis, and at the festival of Saintes with the Jeune Orchestre de l’Abbaye. Presently he's a member of the Theresia orchestra (Chiara Banchini), and in 2019 he'll perform with Le Concert des Nations (Jordi Savall) in the integral Beethoven symphonies.

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Paula Martos

She begins her musical studies at the Municipal school of Ibiza Can Ventosa and finishes the middle grade at the Conservatorio de Música y Danza de Ibiza y Formentera. She studies the superior grade of cello at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid with professors Ángel García Jermann and Miguel Jiménez Peláez (soloist of the Orquestra Nacional d’Espanya). In 2015 she continues her studies abroad, studying a “Performance Master” at the Maastricht Conservatorium (Netherlands) with the professor Ursula Smith. Between 2017 and 2019 she studied a Masters in “Orchestra Performance” at the Academy of Music and Drama of Göteborg (Sweden) with profesor Johan Stern (soloist of the Göteborg Symphony Orchestra).

Since 2011, Paula has been an active member and a reserve for many national and international orchestras. Exemples are JOGV (Jove Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana), orquesta “Proyecto Pelhivanian”, JONC (Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya), JONDE (Joven Orquesta Nacional de España), NJO (National Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands) and the prestigious GMJO (Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester). With some of these orchestras and many great conductors such as Christian Zacharias, she's played in important auditoriums such as the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Auditiorio Nacional de Música in Madrid and the Koncerthaus of Berlín. Paula has been an academist in the Zuidnederlands Philarmonie (Netherlands) and is presently an academist of the Orquesta Sinfónica de las Islas Baleares for the 2018-2019 season.

To amplify her formation she has taken part in plenty courses and music festivals and has had master classes with professors such as Gregor Horsch (soloist of Royal Concertgebouw),

Emil Rovner, Lluís Claret, Angel Luís Quintana, Raphael Pidoux, Daniel Grosgurin, Orfeo Mandozzi, Martina Schucan, Xenia Jankovick, Maria de Macedo, Hillel Zori, Chu Yi-Bing, among others. Apart from orchestral music, chamber music has played an important part in her education. Without a doubt, her training in Maastricht with Henk Guittart stands out, who was the violist of the already dissolved but non the less prestigious Schoenberg Quartet. Paula plays with a french violoncello from luthier T.Lamy from 1880.

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