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Concert IV
Enric Pastor & Co. - Moments

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June 24th 2022 - 20:30

SÓLLER - Chapel of the Escolapias

Enric Pastor & Co.
Enric Pastor, violin and composition
Sergi Selles, piano
Wojtek Sobolewski, bass
Jaime Ginard, drums

They present their new album: Moments
Flor de espuma

Curiosejant al voltant​
Una horabaixa qualsevol
Entre els arbres
Caminant recordant
Caos natura
Quan és fa fosc

Enric Pastor In addition to combining his work as a violin professor at the Conservatory of Mallorca, is a member of numerous bands that have given him new musical experiences, as well as a member of classical music groups. He has worked on Jazz manouche , tango , flamenco,  world music, and bluegrass.


The fusion to Jazz has diversified into many currents in which improvisation is always a common element.

This is how Enrique Pastor's compositions reflect all his sound experiences. We find elements of classical music as well as world music, minimalist music, pop and rock in his themes. He tries to find a balance between the melody which is written out as the main thread and improvisation.


His first album entitled "Canvis" in 2014 is the beginning of a new personal compositional stage. His second album "Moments" was released in 2021 and awarded with the 2021 Enderrock Prize for Balearic music for the best Jazz album is the consolidation towards a defined own style and the reaffirmation of an already consolidated band.

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Enric Pastor

Violinist of classical formation. In 2000 he begins studying Jazz with the guitarist Martin Negro and World Music. Since then he's incorporated in diferent groups of different styles. Groups such as: Jaume Compte y nafas ensemble (World Music) with which he's recorded discs "Ale" "Tariq" and "Voda"; Martin Negro y Palma ensemble (tango-jazz) with which he's recorded the disc "Fiebre Mallorquina"; Pilgrims Formació of bluegrass with which he's recorded the disc "Pilgrims bluegrass"; Piolet swing (Jazz Manouche). He's a violin professor at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música y Danza de Mallorca.


Sergi Sellés

Pianist and composer born in Palma de Mallorca of classical and modern formation.

He's collaborated with artists of international stature who have passed through the island of Mallorca such as Fabrizio Scarfile, Aaron Pozon, Karen Lugo. He has also participated in numerous recordings.

He's a member of several formations of different styles such as jazz, Brazilian music, Afro-Cuban music... at the same time he combines his work as a professor of piano and composition.

He has played in Paris with Minino Garay and at the rotary club in Germany, as well as partaken in masterclasses with renown musicians such as Paul Badura Skoda and Barry Harris.

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Wojtek Sobolewski

Bassist born in Poland of classical and modern formation. He's a member of the group Jaume Compte i Nafas Ensemble (world music) with which he's recorded the discs “Alé” and “Tariq” and “Voda“.

He participates as a member with diferent groups alongside artists such as: Manfred Kulmann, Moly Duncan, Daniel Roth, Pati Ballinas, Norbert Fimpel, Alex Hahn, Savejazz quartet.

He has recorded a CD with Tina Manresa and Maria Del Mar Bonet (symphonic).

He's a base player at the Orquesta Sinfónica de las Islas Baleares.

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Jaume Ginard

He's been a part of several musical bands such as the Big band of jazz of Palma, jazztà (disc recorded at the "VIII festival de Palma"), Orquesta de Son Amar, Ossifar (discs "Da-li cebes", "Ossifar en directe" and "A pixar i a jeure") and Cologne Syndicate with whom he has performed in England, Italy and Russia).

He has recorded CD's with Mallorquin artists such as Llorenç Santamaria and Tomeu Penya (Disc "Amb una aclucada d' ull").

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